Our main services are Mobile phone repair shop and we are Located at Kempener Str. 1, 50733 Koln, Germany
Repair Services offered :
Mobile phone repair shop, Appliance repair service, Electronics repair shop, Television repair service
Trust us to deliver effective solutions at competitive prices!
Address & Location:
Back panel of phone was broken in August, so someone recommended me this shop. While installing, new panel got cracked, they charged me 120EUR and said they will order new panel and call me back to repair it. I called back in September, they did not have the detail still. Today I came after 3 months and the person behind the counter was unfriendly and asked me to wait outside under the rain with the newborn baby. After all they let me wait inside and repaired the panel.
Ich hatte den Bildschirm meins Galaxy S10 zerstort und bin einfach in den Laden gegangen. Sie hatten den Bildschirm da und konnten ihn sofort montieren. Eine Stunde spater war ich glucklich mit einem sauber verarbeiten und gut funktionierenden Handy. Der Preis war etwas hoch aber die Leistung hat schlussendlich uberzeugt. Super nette Leute und wahnsinnig schnelle Problemlosung. 5 von 5 Sternen.
Went there because my pc laptop fell and therefore one of fans made a clicking sound. They not only repaired it, but also cleaned both of the fans at a good price. Pick up was already available the next day. Speak both German and English. Highly recommended
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