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I checked the problem, the home solution possible, and the price of the speaker sold online by Amazon France, before making an appointment at the Apple Store. So yes, I found them from a non Apple company for 25 euros the pair, didn’t see the Apple ones, but anyway I though that it would definitely be smarter to let a pro do it and use legit parts for this M1 model. Apple oooooh Apple…
I won’t tell you much about the time I spent in the store full of “Apple people” seller mostly, waiting for my turn. The usual. Kind and smiling all around. Very “cool”…
So that’s it, it’s verified, and yes it’s my right speaker which saturates, when strong bass comes through. Thank you! Riggggght, I came for this! Pleeease change it!
Then the guy told me that it was not possible (?????) to change ONLY the speakers because it is “Fixed” on this, and this is fixed on that, and blah blah blah…. …. so here is the detail price it will cost to change and repair the problem: 668 Euros! What??? “- How come the speakers can’t be changed only?”
“- But you knowwww, blah blah blah…”
On the way home, thinking so much about their “methods” to get people to buy new, instead of paying a “little” amount of money for repairs (so green futur…) …
Their methods?during the 40 minutes there , I heard how they deal with most customers around me, old dad with daughter, mister “i don’t understand”, and so on, who don’t know much about those technologies , and all these terms that these “specialists” use, and me there, being a sound engineer, user of Apple products for more than 25 years, and opening them to change the fan, batteries or trackpad if necessary on older models before ARM, tours or laptops, if necessary. Little bit pushy, even pretty convincing to get new stuff instead of repairing easy pizzy.
…So, back home, I googled how to change any part of the ARM Mac, and found out that the speakers don’t need much to be replaced, and is not part of a set which MUST be changed for “only” 668 euros. So, APPLE people? What is this?
Only a small distortion on my right speaker…
I love that the guy at the end was telling me that “yes, it’s a market!”
“Apple?” i asked,
“No sir, the non-legit products is a market!”… hu hum.
I wonder why! Tell me now: if his tech guy on the youtube video i foundcan remove the speakers the way he did, and if pieces can be bought on line, WHY APPLE CANNOT DO IT FOR ME?
I’ll still use Apple cause they are till now the most reliable on the market to me. But this first time in an Apple store, might became most probably my last one.
(and i was as the guy in the next comment quiet amazed on the fact that i found 2 persons for who i had to translate between the sellers and client, as the apple people did not speak English!!! Seriously guy, nowadays, working for APPLE???
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