About Canada Computers & Electronics:
Our main services are Computer store and we are Located at 284 College St, Toronto, ON M5T 1R9, Canada
Repair Services offered :
computer repair, laptop repair, phone repair
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There was miss communication with the return policy when we bought a laptop 27 days ago, sales representative told us about a 90 exchange or product defective policy but didn’t mention that any the specific time frame for refunds (15 days), so we left with impression that it was the same time frame.
We accept store credit instead of a refund, which is not a huge deal for us. My problem is that Refund policy is not printed on the recipe, and employee didn’t mention at the time of purchase. When I brought this concerns to the manager he was very rude and dismissive.
1. He say they didn’t have space in the recipe to put their refund policy but instead they can put 2 lines that say “check our website link to see the refund policy” which is very deceptive, just replace that line with “15 day return policy” and it would much better for everyone, specially cuz they gave plenty space for the 90 day policy.
2. My main concern is that employees should be clear with the refund policy when cashing out customers, if you are telling me half of the policy and not the other half it is a problem of communication and creates confusion.
When I brought this specific concern to the manager he got extremely defensive, he said that we were the first people ever to have this problem, statistically, that’s impossible and even if is true and I’m the first person to misunderstand their refund policy that should be indicative that there was communication issue in both ends and should be addressed on employee protocols instead of gaslight or blame the customer.
At the end of the day, I wasn’t even fighting about their policies, I understand we made a mistake and the communication issue is 50/50 responsibility, my problem is the rude and defensive approach the manager took, if a customer is telling you an employee made a mistake and you should improve certain protocols in your store, the bare minimum you should do is to accept the feedback and accept your part of the responsibility instead of blaming and treat the customer like an idiot.
I literally bought the laptop like a day ago and went next day and he was like no this laptop was not bought yesterday
I mean seriously bro
I have literally shown u the receipt and still u say that the laptop was not purchased yesterday
Do you even know what u are doing in that repair section and if a customer goes there with some concerns your job is to assist him or her not to talk to them
In a rude way??
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